1 - The Odd Legacy

Part One

The Odd Legacy

Kalinda Odd, young adult, Aries, looking for her one true love. Recipient of a mysterious 'Legacy' scholarship for orphaned only-children with no life skills. She has moved to the middle of nowhere, with nothing tying her back to her old life, in order to make something of herself.

Kalinda did not account for the timezone difference, and ended up waiting around for a few hours before her dorm-mates arrived. In the meantime she discovered she really loves music and dance, perhaps this will inform her choice for her major?

It didn't take long for some of the first dormies to appear, some of whom joined Kalida as she tried getting some of the skills she needed to do well in her first semester at La Fiesta Tech. By the time she got back from her first class of the year, the dorm was crowded with her crazy and wonderful cohorts.

The first semester was hectic, Kalinda focused on making friends and meeting people, despite how strange everyone else seemed to be acting. Perhaps the people down in Strange county really were like their namesake?

Near the end of the semester, Kalinda decided that she wanted to major in History. She also continued to work on her interest in dance.

A new romance began to blossom with Morgan Kenny, who lived in a small, strange town further down along the state highway. Kalinda was flying high, doing well in her classes, and make lots of good friends with her dorm-mates and professors.

Surviving many days of the breakfast rush and many evenings of spontaneous line-dancing, she managed to get on the Dean's List a few times, and with that made a little bit of money to help her do well.

The prize-money allowed her to buy a guitar and a ballet barre that she really wanted. Soon enough, she was invited to the exclusive members only music and dance studio hidden near the local oasis. She played as hard as she worked at her degree.

At the halfway point of her degree, after finishing her Sophomore year and maintaining a perfect GPA, Kalinda felt her life was at a turning point. She could decide to focus on something other than finding the love of her life and starting a family if she wanted. Things were going well with Morgan though, and she felt as though her History degree would get her some solid work to help support her future family.

She decided to stay on her current life-path as she tackled the second half of her degree.

The following half of Kalinda's degree passed by quickly. In that time she managed to have a few dream dates with Morgan (one of which caused him to buy her an expensive vase) despite not being in love with him, she cared for him deeply and often wanted to get engaged or fall in love with him. Morgan on the other hand, was deeply in love with Kalinda. Hopefully this wouldn't cause problems later on.

She also managed to max out her music and dance enthusiasm, her creativity, and her logic skill. While working hard, she still made time to talk to her dorm-mates and professors, ending up with 6 best friends.

At the end of it all, Kalinda Odd graduated Summa Cum Laude. There was only one thing left to do.

Graduation party!

Kalinda grew up well, and had a good graduation party. She was ready to move to her sweetheart's hometown, buying the only (extremely expensive) lot available from a mysterious real estate agent in a red dress.

This was the beginning of her legacy.


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